Saturday, April 24, 2010

What choice one would have when born in a family that IE; mother is the prostitute and father is a p

the publc media always and therefore majority of the citizens point at the individual and that this person had a choice! when one bornes in a poor and uneducated family and a bad environment, what choices they suppose to have? children are vulnerable to their environment and that makes their personality! it is a conspiricy that our public media keeps pointing at the powerless and the victims rather than pointing at the society many if not all of us have broken the law but didn't get cought, now if one is poor and gets cought then we punish them make life even more difficult for them ie, background check hurts your chances to find employment; might as well go back ie;selling drugs,etc. most of these people need help and not a kick in the head every day for life! traditionally in a village in South africa when one breaks the law is asked to go to the center of the village, then everybody from the village with no axception had to go to him and inform him on how he helped them in the past

What choice one would have when born in a family that IE; mother is the prostitute and father is a pimp?microsoft publisher

My dad always said, "if you hang out with trash, you turn into trash." It is so true. It's not their fault for being poor (the kid) it's the kid's parents fault. It's in our best interest that those kids grow up wanting to be better than their parents however, I think we all need to pitch in by helping them events, contractors buying land and improving development in poor areas at reasonable costs, etc. Although I don't think the government should be hand feeding them, I think they do need help and some of it is beyond their control, however, they also need to get off their *** and do some work. We can also give them skills and make school graduation mandatory for them, so that they are confident and prepared for today's world. I think the goal should be for 90% of those graduates to want to go on to college....wouldn't that be something. I didn't say for them to be able to afford it, cause that's just asking too much, but for them to want it would be a start.

Edited: How can you say that what I said falls into a Republican or Democrat category? I'm not a's just common sense. They need to be taught the skills to help themselves out...not throwing money at them so their habits don't change and they just use up the money while waiting for more money handouts. When they do get federal aid, some find it easier to take the handouts while getting free health care, housing, and food...they have no motivation to improve. That is a fact, you can't tell me otherwise.

What choice one would have when born in a family that IE; mother is the prostitute and father is a pimp?microsoft live internet explorer

How does one gte "caught" for being poor? Just because someone is poor does not make thema criminal and that child has the choice to grow up and become a productive contributing memebr of society, just like everyone else.
Your argument would hold more water if every person who was born into that type of family turned out the same way. The problem is that some do and some don't so you have to look at other factors also. While most might there are still the exception explain that.

EDIT: so are you are going to insult me for having an opinion? So society should help them I agree. That is why I spent years working with under privileged kids which taught me that I can not judge them by their circumstances because there is something different within each of them. Helping someone is one thing enabling them and not expecting them to improve themselves because of their "lot in life" is another.
when you are 18 you get the choice to leave.
Good Question and not very many people consider children with parents like you mention. The children will suffer. In the Holy Bible, it tells that the Children will suffer for the sins of the parents unto the third and the fourth Generations of them who hate God. It is bad enought to have a Father who is less, but to have a Mother who is a Prostitute would be a horrible blow to any kid. When they are young they don't realize the nasty life their Mother lives. But just wait until they get old enough to hear and know. This one family where the Mother did this, had five children. None of the children even look alike. Chances are each child has a different Father. This is a true example of how the Children will suffer , for the sin of their Mother. (Parents).
they have a chance it is a survival of the fittest world unfortunately for them the average kid from this environment has the chance to improve there life but being followers the follow their parents down the wrong path, the leaders and non-conformers are the only ones to break away and some of them never really do either look at Michael Vick, Tyson, to name a few to make a new choice is hard for most people they just follower their leader aka parents

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